Thursday, June 11, 2020

Meditation Dreams 2020

Meditation stories weaving in and out. Dreams continue…
Immense Beings – The Final Story                                                         May 2020
Four immense beings are hovering over the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia. The forces of play, truth, forgiveness, and transformation move through them. Their connection to Source is much stronger than human beings.  The transition to a revised You will be the outcome of these forces at work in and around you.  They come and go at will, presenting in form only sometimes. However, their force has always been in you, forming you along with many other forces.
Their goal is to make Earth better and to see that human beings lessen their domination of a certain type and allow other species to flourish.
Money will be made nonexistent and unnecessary. Poverty will disappear as well. Many imaginary creations such as property in the form of real estate will also be unmasked as an imaginary tool in an evolutionary cycle. No one need fear homelessness or theft of their imagined properties. It will be done peacefully and consensually. A reformed work structure will evolve for human beings, often resulting in less work and more time for learning, play, artistic endeavors, etc.
Essential life elements such as air will be restored. Life will be calmer as the dominance of commerce will moderate to a lowered pitch. Slavery of all forms will end. Wildlife will not be hunted down and eaten unless their restored numbers threaten global harmony. Humans do not get all the Earth and must learn to share the planet with other species having enough space to thrive. Farming of animals will stop and a return of the species before genetic modification will be encouraged. Cows, pigs, corn, chickens, and most vegetables sold today in grocery stores are often genetically manipulated.
The Future TBD.

Meditation dream vision June 2020
I was lifted by an unknown force. As I rose higher and higher my body began to reverse age until I lost my ability to judge, think normally, or to speak. When I stopped going up I had become a gurgling baby held in the loving arms of an immense “Father” who I could see had long, straight grey hair and a huge smile on his face. All around space one could feel a powerful loving force. In fact, the “Father” conveyed to me somehow that the force had been dialed down to accommodate me, as the full force might damage my form as it is now. Very humbling and comforting to have a real home, in that loving force, accommodative to all that is and is not.

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